Quad Cities Interfaith

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One to One Building Relationships to Strengthen Congregations

The One to One training will be held Saturday, April 20th, 2013 from 8:30 am -2:30 pm. The training will be at Broadway Presbyterian Church in Rock Island IL. 710 23rd Street. Relationships cultivate possibilities. It is through relationships that important things happen for your congregation and your community. This training will give you the tools to building powerful relationships within our congregations. The One to One is an intentional, face to face conversation for the purpose of building a relationship and understanding what really matters to that person. The training is free. QCI will provide a light breakfast and lunch. Bring a team of leaders and join us! Registration is requested. For more information and to register, contact Leslie at Quad Cities Interfaith at 563-322-4910 or at qcinterfaith@gmail.org